
Showing posts from 2012

The Bloom's Keeper

Our sweet sugar bean has been calm and even tempered since birth. I mean, she didn't even cry when she arrived. The doctors were obviously concerned and even resorted to pricking her heels to make her cry. But she was healthy.  I really think that moment in the delivery room, when everything was quiet instead of loud, was a sneak peak into her temperament and personality. But, despite being blessed with an "easy" baby we've still had our challenges. Recently, we were having a difficult time properly dealing with a little bit of toddler attitude in our "sugar" bean. She wasn't being so sweet. Having read all the other books by the Ezzo's of the "BabyWise" collection, I essentially dashed to the bookstore and picked up "On Becoming ToddlerWise" by Gary Ezzo, M.A. and Robert Bucknam, M.D. Once finished with the book (in less than 24 hours!) I really wished I had read this book BEFORE our baby girl was in full blown toddler mode. Furt...

Is it really still July?

Words cannot express my relief that August will soon be here...although I know full well it will bring challenges of its own...ending one month and starting the next is like a breath of fresh air and boy do I need some fresh air. Fresh salty air with sand under my toes would be really nice, actually. July essentially compounded the stresses of this first deployment experience. Because on top of the obvious: being a solo mommy to our toddler living 12 hours away from both sets of doting grandparents; the less obvious: is that I am the FRG Leader for my husband's Company. What the heck is an FRG Leader? Basically, aside from having a toddler in the house, its the sole reason I haven't had the time, nor the energy, to blog this deployment. And probably is the reason why I don't respond to your emails or text messages in a timely fashion, if at all. But really, FRG Leader stands for Family Readiness Group Leader. In the Army, it's the leader of a volunteer organization that...

Is it really still July?

Words cannot express my relief that August will soon be here...although I know full well it will bring challenges of its own...ending one month and starting the next is like a breath of fresh air and boy do I need some fresh air. Fresh salty air with sand under my toes would be really nice, actually. July essentially compounded the stresses of this first deployment experience. Because on top of the obvious: being a solo mommy to our toddler living 12 hours away from both sets of doting grandparents; the less obvious: is that I am the FRG Leader for my husband's Company. What the heck is an FRG Leader? Basically, aside from having a toddler in the house, its the sole reason I haven't had the time, nor the energy, to blog this deployment. And probably is the reason why I don't respond to your emails or text messages in a timely fashion, if at all. But really, FRG Leader stands for Family Readiness Group Leader. In the Army, it's the leader of a volunteer organizat...

The last "little" stretch

 "A person can discover that no matter where he is right now, he is still the creator of his own destiny."  Joseph Zinker Not much about this first deployment went exactly as I "perfectly" plotted and planned it out in my mind. Especially my high hopes of blogging regularly about the experience. I shift all blame of my unintentional blog sabbatical to our sweet easy going non demanding 18 month old (when my husband first left) who turned into a much more attention needing toddler almost immediately! :-) But, here I am. It's July 2012 and we are about to finish up our 5th month of this deployment. Our house is still standing. All the appliances are still working. Both cars are still running. The cat is still alive. The bills have been paid on time every month. Our daughter has been bathed and fed each day (okay, well, maybe not bathed each day;)). I've even managed to keep my small garden alive. At this point since our deployment length has been changed I am ...

The last "little" stretch

 "A person can discover that no matter where he is right now, he is still the creator of his own destiny."  Joseph Zinker Not much about this first deployment went exactly as I "perfectly" plotted and planned it out in my mind. Especially my high hopes of blogging regularly about the experience. I shift all blame of my unintentional blog sabbatical to our sweet easy going non demanding 18 month old (when my husband first left) who turned into a much more attention needing toddler almost immediately! :-) But, here I am. It's July 2012 and we are about to finish up our 5th month of this deployment. Our house is still standing. All the appliances are still working. Both cars are still running. The cat is still alive. The bills have been paid on time every month. Our daughter has been bathed and fed each day (okay, well, maybe not bathed each day;)). I've even managed to keep my small garden alive. At this point since our deployment length has been chan...

This life is not my own...

I cannot explain the heartache I feel on a day to day basis missing my soul mate. It's truly an indescribable feeling and was nothing I could have ever "processed through" or "prepared for" in advance of this deployment. And believe me I "processed through" as many emotions as I could before my husband left. Just ask him how many tears I shed in "preparation" for his departure.  We both did. And while that curbed *some* of the emotions on departure day, it definitely didn't curb them all.   Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation. -Kahlil Gibran Daddy's girl. So, now that we are a month and a half in (and I'm no longer in total survival mode) the aches have arrived. The "funny" thing is, though, my heart aches for my husband during the happy moments. Especially when sugar bean achieves a new milestone. It's almost like my heart looks to my side for my husband to share the mome...

This life is not my own...

I cannot explain the heartache I feel on a day to day basis missing my soul mate. It's truly an indescribable feeling and was nothing I could have ever "processed through" or "prepared for" in advance of this deployment. And believe me I "processed through" as many emotions as I could before my husband left. Just ask him how many tears I shed in "preparation" for his departure.  We both did. And while that curbed *some* of the emotions on departure day, it definitely didn't curb them all.   Ever has it been that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation. -Kahlil Gibran Daddy's girl. So, now that we are a month and a half in (and I'm no longer in total survival mode) the aches have arrived. The "funny" thing is, though, my heart aches for my husband during the happy moments. Especially when sugar bean achieves a new milestone. It's almost like my heart looks to my side for my husban...

One Month Down!

Well, technically, we are 5 weeks down...but who's counting weeks?!  Counting months is WAY easier! The first month flew by as sugar bean and I have been keeping a healthy level of activity during our daytime hours and we were able to Skype pretty regularly with hubby. While I haven't had a "meltdown", by God's grace alone, this last week has been a bit challenging, but God has been sweet, and I'll post about that later this week. Our exciting and "look forward to" activities for month one were a FREE weekend getaway to the beach and then a 10K road running race for mommy. Nothing like sunshine, sand, and endorphins to boost my mental state! Myrtle Beach, March 2012 Self Portrait Beach LOVER Probably more exciting than the free trip to the beach was the 10K road running race. A girlfriend (and fellow army wife) also ran the race with her TWO kiddos. We set our goal at averaging 10 minute miles because it was rolling hills and we were both pushing our...

One Month Down!

Well, technically, we are 5 weeks down...but who's counting weeks?!  Counting months is WAY easier! The first month flew by as sugar bean and I have been keeping a healthy level of activity during our daytime hours and we were able to Skype pretty regularly with hubby. While I haven't had a "meltdown", by God's grace alone, this last week has been a bit challenging, but God has been sweet, and I'll post about that later this week. Our exciting and "look forward to" activities for month one were a FREE weekend getaway to the beach and then a 10K road running race for mommy. Nothing like sunshine, sand, and endorphins to boost my mental state! Myrtle Beach, March 2012 Self Portrait Beach LOVER

Faith and Fitness

Today's post is featured on one of my dear friend's blog! I was honored she asked me to contribute!!! She's been blogging about her experiences as a fellow Army spouse and her fabulous opinions on all things related to military, politics, movies, their two precious pups, Disney, and so much more quite a bit longer than me! Her blog is awesome.  Check her out at Me and My SoldierMan , oh, and read my guest post, Faith and Fitness !

Faith and Fitness

Today's post is featured on one of my dear friend's blog! I was honored she asked me to contribute!!! She's been blogging about her experiences as a fellow Army spouse and her fabulous opinions on all things related to military, politics, movies, their two precious pups, Disney, and so much more quite a bit longer than me! Her blog is awesome.  Check her out at Me and My SoldierMan , oh, and read my guest post, Faith and Fitness !

Decisions! Decisions!

While this first deployment was a long time coming the last three or so months have been quite the whirlwind. One of the privileges we have with being stationed at Ft. Bragg is that my husband has learned how to do things the "right" way in the Army (or maybe it's just the Bragg way...). Anyway, what I mean by this is that hubby didn't get a nice break or many shortened workdays leading up to this deployment (except for Christmas block leave). So, right when you've got to finalize your personal and family life in preparation for a deployment, my husband was working from before sunrise to well after sunset nearly each and every workday. In all the hubbub and emotions whirling around I had this grand idea that I wanted to pursue one of my personal dreams and compete in my first Ironman while my husband is off pursuing one of his dream.  It only seemed "fair" that I get to "do" something I'm passionate about too... Well, that idea sounded real...

Decisions! Decisions!

While this first deployment was a long time coming the last three or so months have been quite the whirlwind. One of the privileges we have with being stationed at Ft. Bragg is that my husband has learned how to do things the "right" way in the Army (or maybe it's just the Bragg way...). Anyway, what I mean by this is that hubby didn't get a nice break or many shortened workdays leading up to this deployment (except for Christmas block leave). So, right when you've got to finalize your personal and family life in preparation for a deployment, my husband was working from before sunrise to well after sunset nearly each and every workday. In all the hubbub and emotions whirling around I had this grand idea that I wanted to pursue one of my personal dreams and compete in my first Ironman while my husband is off pursuing one of his dream.  It only seemed "fair" that I get to "do" something I'm passionate about too...

The Long One

I'm pushing my luck starting this blog because my little sugar bean has been down for a nap since 12:30pm...and it's 2:22pm! But here I am with my coffee hoping to get this blog updated. I wont be too sad if she wakes up though, because I have been productive in other areas of my life so far today: swam about 2200 meters, made dinner (in the crock pot), sent out FRG e-mails, paid a bill I forgot about (BUMMER!) blah blah blah :) Unfortunately, blogging has had to take the back burner the last month. I mean, we did move into a new house and sent my husband off on his first deployment this month... Two TOTALLY normal life activities occurring nearly simultaneously, right? Only if your military! But my husband is off and sugar bean and I are about one week into holding up our home front.  Last week I was very intentional about getting to the gym. I knew that if I did not make the childcare reservations for the entire week ahead of time I would not have been getting out of bed ver...

The Long One

I'm pushing my luck starting this blog because my little sugar bean has been down for a nap since 12:30pm...and it's 2:22pm! But here I am with my coffee hoping to get this blog updated. I wont be too sad if she wakes up though, because I have been productive in other areas of my life so far today: swam about 2200 meters, made dinner (in the crock pot), sent out FRG e-mails, paid a bill I forgot about (BUMMER!) blah blah blah :) Unfortunately, blogging has had to take the back burner the last month. I mean, we did move into a new house and sent my husband off on his first deployment this month... Two TOTALLY normal life activities occurring nearly simultaneously, right? Only if your military! But my husband is off and sugar bean and I are about one week into holding up our home front.  Last week I was very intentional about getting to the gym. I knew that if I did not make the childcare reservations for the entire week ahead of time I would not have been getting ...

Real Simple Recipe, Simply Paleo Style

Changing from a PB&J, french baguette and cheese, and dairy lover to a fruit, nuts, veggies, and lean meat lover took some time and a ton of work.  But if I can give up my side of an entire baguette with a glass of wine, you can kick your gluten love affair too!!! If I'm not cooking out of Sarah Fragoso's cookbook, Everyday Paleo , for my little family of three, I'm taking my favorite recipes and turning them "Paleo" . Yesterday, my newest issue of Real Simple arrived in the mail. In it contained a section of "One Dish Dinners" with a simplified rendition of Shepherds Pie. I LOVE Shepherds pie. But between the peas, corn, and white potatoes it's definitely not Paleo . But after reading the recipe, it can easily be converted and I can't wait to try it out...possibly this weekend! Real Simple's Cottage Pie Recipe 3 pounds new potatoes kosher salt and black pepper 1 cup whole milk 4 tablespoons unsalted butter 2 tablespoons olive oil 1 pound...

Real Simple Recipe, Simply Paleo Style

Changing from a PB&J, french baguette and cheese, and dairy lover to a fruit, nuts, veggies, and lean meat lover took some time and a ton of work.  But if I can give up my side of an entire baguette with a glass of wine, you can kick your gluten love affair too!!! If I'm not cooking out of Sarah Fragoso's cookbook, Everyday Paleo , for my little family of three, I'm taking my favorite recipes and turning them "Paleo" . Yesterday, my newest issue of Real Simple arrived in the mail. In it contained a section of "One Dish Dinners" with a simplified rendition of Shepherds Pie. I LOVE Shepherds pie. But between the peas, corn, and white potatoes it's definitely not Paleo . But after reading the recipe, it can easily be converted and I can't wait to try it out...possibly this weekend!

New House!

WHEW!!!  Or as my daughter and I like to say as I'm pushing her up a steep hill in the BOB:  "OOH WHEE!" After one solid week of packing, cleaning, and painting our old place; one solid weekend of unloading a 26 foot U-Haul (TWICE); one solid week of UNpacking, cleaning, and organizing our new place...we are feeling a bit settled :)  AND, I never want to move again! A great time to purge your belongings is right after you've moved your entire household, yourself. Because you're still pretty angry at that super heavy box of unknown "stuff" (that hasn't been opened since your last move) you had to remove from your old attic, put into the U-Haul, then removed from the U-Haul, only to put into your new attic... or better yet, the donation pile!!! Believe it or not I haven't actually taken any pictures of our new house. Been kinda busy nesting! BUT my extremely helpful mother in law did!!! She was a huge help over moving weekend. Whether it was simply...

New House!

WHEW!!!  Or as my daughter and I like to say as I'm pushing her up a steep hill in the BOB:  "OOH WHEE!" After one solid week of packing, cleaning, and painting our old place; one solid weekend of unloading a 26 foot U-Haul (TWICE); one solid week of UNpacking, cleaning, and organizing our new place...we are feeling a bit settled :)  AND, I never want to move again! A great time to purge your belongings is right after you've moved your entire household, yourself. Because you're still pretty angry at that super heavy box of unknown "stuff" (that hasn't been opened since your last move) you had to remove from your old attic, put into the U-Haul, then removed from the U-Haul, only to put into your new attic... or better yet, the donation pile!!! Believe it or not I haven't actually taken any pictures of our new house. Been kinda busy nesting! BUT my extremely helpful mother in law did!!! She was a huge help over moving weekend. Wh...

We are MOVING!!!

So, we are officially MOVING! After praying and seriously weighing all the pros and cons we took the plunge. We found THE house last Tuesday, signed the lease, paid the deposit, and are in the process of packing up all of our belongings....................which is going faster than ever....................but is still.................a very..................long.............................process! The goal is to be moved into our new house this weekend! I am SO excited. And I have been non stop packing since we signed our lease last Tuesday, thus falling off techno world! But, redeeming thing about all this packing, I found a bike trainer I thought we gave away! No more interval workout excuses. My butt will be in the saddle doing intervals during nap times starting next week. Ironman Louisville is still very much on the radar. Awesome back story to finding THE house...two Sunday nights ago I was up searching the web again for rentals. Up late because I was nervous about the house we ...

We are MOVING!!!

So, we are officially MOVING! After praying and seriously weighing all the pros and cons we took the plunge. We found THE house last Tuesday, signed the lease, paid the deposit, and are in the process of packing up all of our belongings....................which is going faster than ever....................but is still.................a very..................long.............................process! The goal is to be moved into our new house this weekend! I am SO excited. And I have been non stop packing since we signed our lease last Tuesday, thus falling off techno world! But, redeeming thing about all this packing, I found a bike trainer I thought we gave away! No more interval workout excuses. My butt will be in the saddle doing intervals during nap times starting next week. Ironman Louisville is still very much on the radar. Awesome back story to finding THE house...two Sunday nights ago I was up searching the web again for rentals. Up late because I was nervous about the house...

Worst Day of the Year?

It's been a bit nutso around my house as we prepare to move, but I read this devotional in my email tonight and felt compelled to share it, word for word... Worst Day of the Year I will rejoice in the God of my salvation.  Habakkuk 3:18 If you woke up feeling especially blah this morning, you're in good company. January 24 is now officially "the most depressing day of the year."  Those are the findings of Dr. Cliff Arnall, an English psychologist who specializes in seasonal disorders at the University of Cardiff in Wales. His formula for analyzing such things includes seven variables--the weather, personal debt, monthly salary and even the amount of time since Christmas, among other things--that determine people's feelings of happiness.  He figures January 24 is when credit-card bills start rolling in, reminding us how we got carried away again with our holiday spending. By now many of our New Year's resolutions have fallen by t...