The last "little" stretch
"A person can discover that no matter where he is right now, he is still the creator of his own destiny."
Joseph Zinker
Not much about this first deployment went exactly as I "perfectly" plotted and planned it out in my mind. Especially my high hopes of blogging regularly about the experience. I shift all blame of my unintentional blog sabbatical to our sweet easy going non demanding 18 month old (when my husband first left) who turned into a much more attention needing toddler almost immediately! :-)
But, here I am. It's July 2012 and we are about to finish up our 5th month of this deployment. Our house is still standing. All the appliances are still working. Both cars are still running. The cat is still alive. The bills have been paid on time every month. Our daughter has been bathed and fed each day (okay, well, maybe not bathed each day;)). I've even managed to keep my small garden alive.
At this point since our deployment length has been changed I am feeling like I'm on the last 2 miles of a 10 mile running race. I know I can run 2 more miles because I've already run 8, but I really just don't want too; because I know it's going to be painful and that finish line is still just beyond my reach.
Here's a good image of what I feel like right now, this is the last 200 or so yards of the Army Birthday 10 Miler on June 8, 2012. Yes, I pushed our 21 month old the entire way and yes, I was SO done running!
However, as painful as it feels right now to have so many weeks (but very few compared to where we started!) still remaining before I get to wrap my arms around my husbands neck I know I've got to stand tall just a little bit longer and it will all be SO worth it. After all, "anything worth having, comes with a price."
So, 3 cheers to nearly 5 months down and here's too making these last weeks the best...which may or may not include me being regular in the blogosphere...I can only hope at this point ;-)
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