Decisions! Decisions!

While this first deployment was a long time coming the last three or so months have been quite the whirlwind.

One of the privileges we have with being stationed at Ft. Bragg is that my husband has learned how to do things the "right" way in the Army (or maybe it's just the Bragg way...). Anyway, what I mean by this is that hubby didn't get a nice break or many shortened workdays leading up to this deployment (except for Christmas block leave). So, right when you've got to finalize your personal and family life in preparation for a deployment, my husband was working from before sunrise to well after sunset nearly each and every workday.

In all the hubbub and emotions whirling around I had this grand idea that I wanted to pursue one of my personal dreams and compete in my first Ironman while my husband is off pursuing one of his dream. 

It only seemed "fair" that I get to "do" something I'm passionate about too...

Well, that idea sounded really, really good, until my husband left.

So now, despite the fact that I've got quite a bit of spare time on my hands to train for an Ironman, I've realized that I absolutely cannot imagine crossing the finish line at Ironman Louisville without my dear husband's arms to fall into...

After all, the sport of triathlon can claim about 50% of what brought us together!

So, while Ironman Louisville is on hold until my husband is safely back in my arms and fully available to hold me proudly in his arms as an "Ironman", I've got several "little" races I'm going to fill some weekends with while he is away...Who knows, maybe if I take the pressure off myself this season could be my best yet at short course triathlons!!! 

For now these are just little goals to use my God given talent, keep me active, and help pass the time...


  1. I was thinking about something similar just yesterday. This weekend is the race I had wanted to do since last year and stuff just got in the way. I was going back and forth about working toward it for next year, since SoldierMan will be gone and I need something to do. We talked about doing it together which is another reason I couldn't do it this year. I don't know. I still go back and forth.


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