Be the Tortoise
The last 2.5+ years the hubs has been in training land for his j.o.b. Half of that time he's spent away from us at different times and for varying lengths. So, for a while I had a REALLY good rhythm figured out for balancing his comings and goings. S o good that we pretty much forgot how to do life together for longer than 2 months ! Add in the fact that we have 2 more children... And we bought our first home... So, of course, then, the very last 6 months of his training was spent coming home every night after work . Say what?? A novelty for us. That was a hard enough adjustment in its own special way....Just think for a moment about the budget conversation ;) Oh, and did I mention that we are moving??? It's a good thing for his career and typical for our lifestyle. But what's not typical is that we have LIVED IN THE SAME TOWN FOR 6 YEARS . Yeah, I don't wanna leave my roots. *They* warned me about roots. But I put them down anyway. I digress a tad. But that...