Be the Tortoise

The last 2.5+ years the hubs has been in training land for his j.o.b. Half of that time he's spent away from us at different times and for varying lengths. So, for a while I had a REALLY good rhythm figured out for balancing his comings and goings.  So good that we pretty much forgot how to do life together for longer than 2 months!

Add in the fact that we have 2 more children...

And we bought our first home...

So, of course, then, the very last 6 months of his training was spent coming home every night after work. Say what?? A novelty for us. That was a hard enough adjustment in its own special way....Just think for a moment about the budget conversation ;)

Oh, and did I mention that we are moving??? It's a good thing for his career and typical for our lifestyle. But what's not typical is that we have LIVED IN THE SAME TOWN FOR 6 YEARS. Yeah, I don't wanna leave my roots. *They* warned me about roots. But I put them down anyway.

I digress a tad. But that's the backdrop to my current situation: SOLO mama for a little while. #single-mom-married-life we like to affectionately call it...Ooooookkkkaaayy sarcastically call it ;)

I made an epic mistake for my first 48 hours of being freshly SOLO, I decided to BE THE HARE.

Therefore, I didn't get to shower this morning:

You remember the Tortoise and the Hare story? Of course you do.

Well, the Hare would've done something like this if he were me in a 48 hour ultra distance race:
  • go for that 7 mile run you already had planned with one baby who isn't exactly feeling himself
  • go grocery shopping after that run for the ENTIRE week @ 12:30pm aka lunch & nap time
  • do movie night with the oldest girls
  • do slumber party night with the oldest girls...IN MY BED, yeah I didn't sleep
  • go to church after not sleeping well nor being able to shower, obviously
  • go out to lunch with 3 under 6 where my CC was declined for fraud protection I wasn't exactly tracking
It was just too much too soon and now this mama needs to recharge her batteries so she's not undone before this month even starts!

Some "hare-ish" things cannot be avoided when I'm transitioning into solo parenting. And some "hare-ish" things are important not to give up.

But what I've learned in the last 6 years of going back and forth from "solo parenting to not" is that its ALWAYS best to be the Tortoise and figure out how to slow down.

After all he still won the race, AND probably got to shower ;)


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