
Showing posts from June, 2013

Run, baby, run!

What have I got to lose? Nothing. But, I'm still nervous about running the 17th Annual Army Birthday 10 miler tomorrow morning @ 6:30AM!!! And I think I have a legitimate reason :: I had mono the first 2 1/2 weeks of May. Looking back in April 29th when I found out from the Dr. that I did in fact have mono I was a mess. I had already been feeling undertheweather for 9 days. So, I was instantaneously depressed from the Dr's words, "You'll be sick for 4-6 [more] weeks. Rest and drink water.", thus entirely convinced I wouldn't be able to run the 10 miler... But, I prayed, my mom prayed, my friends prayed, my husband prayed, and I boosted my immune system with vitamins (and water and rest;))...and a week and a half later, my health started coming back! MIRACULOUSLY MY HEALTH IS BACK!!! AND I AM BEYOND GRATEFUL!!! I got to put in a couple "long" runs before the race and ended up 11 seconds off my pre-mono running ability, which is nothing race adrenaline...

2013 Focus!

Besides a new hairdo, this year is looking a bit different! I even attempted a new blog during my focus crisis ;) May 2013 Because last triathlon season I competed in only two triathlons, but quite a few running races (because, hey, they were cheaper AND closer!), I'm not quite sure what this "racing" season has in store for me. But when it comes to the "life" race, I have decided not strive to do it ALL this year but focus on :: Loving better   "Your love frees my soul/ And fear has no hold/ For you have broken the chains/ Now joy fills my life/ Your spirit, your light/ I'm undone by the kindness of Christ." -Glorious by Bryan & Katie Torwalt Running faster "I believe God made me for a purpose, but He also made me fast. When I run, I feel His Pleasure." -Eric Liddell Writing more "Because your love is better than life, my lips will glorify you!" -Psalm 63:3 I made a similar paire...