Words cannot express my relief that August will soon be here...although I know full well it will bring challenges of its own...ending one month and starting the next is like a breath of fresh air and boy do I need some fresh air. Fresh salty air with sand under my toes would be really nice, actually. July essentially compounded the stresses of this first deployment experience. Because on top of the obvious: being a solo mommy to our toddler living 12 hours away from both sets of doting grandparents; the less obvious: is that I am the FRG Leader for my husband's Company. What the heck is an FRG Leader? Basically, aside from having a toddler in the house, its the sole reason I haven't had the time, nor the energy, to blog this deployment. And probably is the reason why I don't respond to your emails or text messages in a timely fashion, if at all. But really, FRG Leader stands for Family Readiness Group Leader. In the Army, it's the leader of a volunteer organizat...
WHEW!!! Or as my daughter and I like to say as I'm pushing her up a steep hill in the BOB: "OOH WHEE!" After one solid week of packing, cleaning, and painting our old place; one solid weekend of unloading a 26 foot U-Haul (TWICE); one solid week of UNpacking, cleaning, and organizing our new place...we are feeling a bit settled :) AND, I never want to move again! A great time to purge your belongings is right after you've moved your entire household, yourself. Because you're still pretty angry at that super heavy box of unknown "stuff" (that hasn't been opened since your last move) you had to remove from your old attic, put into the U-Haul, then removed from the U-Haul, only to put into your new attic... or better yet, the donation pile!!! Believe it or not I haven't actually taken any pictures of our new house. Been kinda busy nesting! BUT my extremely helpful mother in law did!!! She was a huge help over moving weekend. Wh...
So, we are officially MOVING! After praying and seriously weighing all the pros and cons we took the plunge. We found THE house last Tuesday, signed the lease, paid the deposit, and are in the process of packing up all of our belongings....................which is going faster than ever....................but is still.................a very..................long.............................process! The goal is to be moved into our new house this weekend! I am SO excited. And I have been non stop packing since we signed our lease last Tuesday, thus falling off techno world! But, redeeming thing about all this packing, I found a bike trainer I thought we gave away! No more interval workout excuses. My butt will be in the saddle doing intervals during nap times starting next week. Ironman Louisville is still very much on the radar. Awesome back story to finding THE house...two Sunday nights ago I was up searching the web again for rentals. Up late because I was nervous about the house...
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