15 (of 50!) Ways To Be Happier & Healthier

Someone shared this article on the wonderful world of Facebook the other day and I really think it made some valuable points on, well, how we choose to spend our time in this thing called life. However, being a busy mama of three little people the FIFTY ways the author lists to "be happier and healthier" seems rather daunting to say the least. So, after reading through the article in its fullness I went back through and marked off the ones that resonated with me. And I discovered that about 1/3 of the items on the list seemed doable to attain too in my current season of life. Call it almost being 30 or the *weight* of having children I want to leave a legacy for, but if you haven't read the article you should. In the meantime here are MY 15 takeaways and thoughts on the authors points... Reduce caffeine--> Okay, the author actually says eliminate . um yeah, right, I am a MOM. Now, I don't think caffeine is bad. I really love espresso an...